What is the Value of friends in our life ?

The KRITI's Blog

Value of a true FRIEND.png

Aristotle once said, “In poverty and other misfortunes of life, true friends are a sure refuge.”

Guys, have you ever thought what would live without friends be like?

A tuff thought right? Can you imagine your life without friends?

No obviously.

download.jpegA friend is someone to whom we can open our heart out, with whom we can be what we are. Friends are our companions of joy as well as grief. Whenever we are facing any difficult situation in our lives, true friends come forward to overcome all those difficulties.  Even if we are unable to meet our friends for a day or few, a conversation with them seems to be an important ingredient of the day and makes our day complete. I think you won’t deny the fact that your morning starts with the text of your friends and in the night also you end up conversing…

View original post 202 more words

Recognition Awards


We all here celebrate with each other by giving awards to one we like. So I got another award by my dear friends blog named Chape Personal trainer. You guys should have a look at his blog as he writes amazing and indeed, he is a very good friend of friends.

So here we go, first I will tell you the rules then I will tell you about me and my journey and then I will be nominating some of my dear friends. So get ready.blogger-recognition-award

The Rules:

  1. Write a post to show your award.
  2. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  3. Give two advice to new bloggers.
  4. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  5. Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to.


How I started my Blog ? 

I started my blog out of an idea to write the things going on in my mind. Also, I always wanted to explore me as well as this world and I felt this as an opportunity to explore and make friends all over the globe. Gradually I felt that everyone is writing in a particular manner or a particular reason so what is my reason for blogging ?

Then I thought to write for a cause to help people in making their life better and bringing out the best in them. So, I started writing to help & support people in being better and I think my decision was good.

Now I have taken a deep dive into the field of online marketing and have made it my passion and my profession. I wish to worship as so throughout my life.

My advice to new bloggers

My advice would be to write when you feel like and do read other people in our readers section because that section tells you about the vision and problems of people and so you can write a better post for your friends and followers & ultimately yourself.

My nominations are :



























Well, Friends, ENJOY and I will be waiting to listen to your stories . 🙂 

How to find Inspiration in Life from around you ?


Wow . A very HEAVY WORD to handle. 1

Seriously, we meet a number of people in life who say “we need to be inspired to live happily and successfully”.But one thing, they don’t tell is “HOW TO GET & STAY INSPIRED”.Well it sounds a bit tough thing to do but actually it isn’t.

INSPIRATION  basically means a feeling of being mentally stimulated to do something.

1.pngSo, it is not too tough to actually be inspired to do something in life because you just need a reason that

WHY do you want to do this?

WHAT this achievement matters to you in life ?

By answering these 2 questions, I am sure you will get your inspiration.

Being inspired helps you to stay focused on your aim & dream. Also, it gives a direction to all your thoughts and acts. 

How failure and pain in life is a MYTH ?


You must be thinking of all the times you got failed or rejected in some or the other thing. May be in studies , relation , job or at any other place. You might have felt enormous pain , not physically but emotionally and mentally at that time, as if you don’t know what to do now and the world for you has just blown.

But what now ?

After those painful days now you might have overcome it or must be overcoming.Henry-Ford-failure-quote

Have you learnt anything from it ?

Do you see any change in you because of that incident ?

These two questions have a lot in them to be told.

For example : It is seen and most of you, specially guys will agree with me that a BREAK UP from a serious relationship , specially when your lover leaves you and you bear that heavy pain and after a long fight you over come it and become a completely new MAN . You become Matured , you become very conscious about handling women and you actually learn that LIFE is not a piece of cake to just relax and eat.

I hope You agree with me ? .

So, it is a myth that there is Failure & Pain in Life because they are actually a Step towards your SUCCESS and Happiness.

PAIN in LIFE is the Best TEACHER as you never forget what it TAUGHT you.




How to Plan your Day better in 10 minutes ?

Well we all wake up every day with a zeal to do something new and adventurous in our day but when we are asked What are we going to do ? and How are we going to do ? then we all get a bit shaken and there comes the fickleness in us. We start giving funny and ridiculous ideas some of which are too imaginary and the rest need time to be done and to give time is like next to impossible because we actually don’t know that in which portion of the day are we thinking to do that thing and what are the resources and people involved. In a layman’s language if i have to say something then it would be like WE DON’T HAVE A PLAN .

It’s not the lack of time that is stopping us to do what we wish to , it’s the lack of planning that is stopping us from doing and achieving what we want to.



Here are my top Secrets to help you plan your day in just 10 minutes.

  •  This is the most important one. Sleep 15 minutes earlier to the time you usually sleep and wake up 10 minutes earlier than you usually use to. Now, After waking up and starting your regular day you have an extra 10 minutes today and so you have to use them wisely as i say. Sit down with a cup of tea / coffee / anything you like and  a NOTEPAD (the mobile notepad will work). Now before taking your first sip of the day and before texting your first message of the day, Sit erect – Close your eyes – Stop thinking everything – just avoid each and every single thought in mind – take deep breaths and feel your heartbeat for 2 minutes.Basically here we have RESTARTED our BRAIN for a fresh new start of the day.

  • Now, Just point down each and every single Important or must do tasks. Write the time at which they need to be done (approximation) and also that how much time they are going to take. So that you will have an idea to do what and when and how much time is it going to take for its completion. This will help you in giving time to people when you are not busy. Also you can join some classes or do some course during that unscheduled time. You can avoid people who will kill your time slowly – slowly which will keep your mind and work healthy and stable.1 - Make Break Fast - 9 A.M - 30 Minutes2 - Go to Office - 10 A.M - 15 Minutes 3 - Update Files - 11. A.M - 1 hour 4 - Do Cassies Projects - 12-30 - 2 hour 5 - Go to Gym - 5 P.M - 1 Hour 6 - Go to Grocery Store - 7 .png

  • The Last thing is that always keep some CUSHION time with you to do anything so that if any uncontrolled thing happens then you can just handle it in time. Also even if some very urgent piece of work has come then it is absolutely fine to reschedule your plan.

  • Always keep in mind that the main motive of Planning is to keep you state of mind healthy, keep you organized and give yourself time to do things you really wish to.

I hope you guys will definitely going to reap some good fruit from PLANNING. Although you can plan your whole week if you want and that will keep you more organized and focused towards your goals along with giving you time to have fun.


Do tell me how you find my guide.

Also tell me that do you need some more good Skill tips to perform better ? TEXT ME DOWN 🙂


3 reasons -Why to not eat heavy diet at night ?

Well almost everyone of us is habitual to the habit of eating late night then going to sleep after a few hours, may be 1 or 2. This happens , i know but what i was shocked to know is that why we should not eat heavy diet at night. here i will give you the 5 best reasons to avoid it. here we go :image_0.jpg

  1. It can cause ACID RE-FLUX : Have you ever suffered from unexplained post-nasal drip, cough, and difficulty in swallowing? . These could be signs of acid re-flux can occur without the telltale signs of heartburn and indigestion.Eating late at night, especially if you overeat and/or eat heavy foods, and then lying down shortly after, is a recipe for acid re-flux.
  2. Weight Gain : Eating at night has long been associated with weight gain. Years ago, nutrition pioneer Adele Davis gave her well-known advice to “eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.” I fear from this side effect.158757774_XS.jpg
  3. Disrupt Sleep patterns : Eating at night will disrupt the whole body cycle and will make you sleepy at unusual day times , thus leading to poor recovery and regeneration.


So i hope you guys from now will try to eat food at least 2-3 hours before the sleep and that too in less amount as it increases your health and at the end, Health is Wealth.

How to handle a broken relationship ?

A Broken Relation – SHIP.

Almost each and every one of us has faced this in their life. It’s so common. Isn’t it ?

But our today’s issue is how to handle it and come out of this critical situation.

richardbach136009.jpgSo some of the best suggestions that i have collected from different people are here:

  1. First thing i will say is that , Don’t go into another relation just to fill that Void which has been created because it might lead you to even more messy situation.
  2. Try to do what you actually like to do , like focus on your career and try to give outstanding performance there or keep yourself busy with some or other task.
  3. Don’t ask others for liberation because there is no one who has tied you , it’s you who has tied your self to an Illusion. So it’s better to come out of it.
  4. Best thing is to face it . Face that person, face the problem and talk . If he/she doesn’t want to carry on then just let go because you cannot keep someone tied to you.
  5. Don’t keep your self alone. Try talking to people about this issue, specially your friends or any one you can trust. Keeping your self alone is just like burying the seeds of tension inside the soil of your Mind and thinking over it again and again hiding from others put water on it and slowly slowly the tree will grow and tears and pain will be the fruit which only you have to eat. So talk, don’t hesitate.0cc90318f7411f1e32a8949f14a8dd3d
  6. Eat, Sleep , Conquer and Repeat. I think you guys must be aware of this. It’s for all of us not only BROCK. you have to enjoy with yourself and just start living for yourself.
  7. Don’t ever try to harm yourself because if some one has left you then there is always some one there for you who needs you more than anyone else. That’s your Parents and your Friends. Respect there Love .


I might have missed some tips then please mention them right below. I am Waiting.


Why to Smile ? I Will give you 5 Reasons for that.

Hey friends,

Today i am happy because i am happy today. (:-) XD )

And also because its my friends birthday today and i met some of my friends today again with whom i spent a lot of good memories.

But lets come to the point that WHY TO SMILE ? Well i have a lot of reasons for that but today i will give you the 5 best reasons for why to smile.
So here we go:

1 – Smile Lowers Heart Rate – Research says that Smiling slows the heart and relaxes the body. This lets the heart work without overworking. People who smile and laugh often are less likely to develop heart disease. Smiling also temporarily reduces blood pressure.

2 – Smiling Reduces Stress – Stress relief may be as simple as smiling a little more throughout the day. Smiling releases endorphin’s that counteracts and diminishes the stress hormones.

3- You will look more attractive – A smile suggests that you’re personable, easy going, and empathetic. In fact, a study in the European Journal of Social Psychology found that smiling actually makes you more attractive to those you smile at.

4- Smiling is contagious – Studies report show that by just seeing one person smiling activates the area of your brain that controls your facial movement, which leads to a grin and switches a happy mode in you which makes you smile too.

5- You will seem more trustworthy to strangers – If you want to improve your credibility, simply smile more.Trusting doesn’t come easily to many, but smiling at someone may help. Participants in a University of Pittsburgh study rated people who smiled as more trustworthy than people with non-smiling facial expressions.


So i hope you guys now have enough reasons to keep your self smiling . So SMILE and tell me a joke ..

I am Waiting 🙂 XD

How to Earn Money From Blogging ?

Hello friends

Blogging is kind of art that is not in everyone but the one who has it and knows it  can’t afford to loose it. So after being a blogger for approximately an year and being enjoying it, i have decided that i will tell you the place where you can go and give your hobby a professional turn.


For most of the bloggers writing everyday is a mess because of lack of time but hose who write everyday have less money. So for those who write everyday and those who don’t i have a place where you can go and register yourself and start earning.

Here are the following two platforms where you can use your Social Networks and you presence on blogs as a source of livelihood or an extra income.

1- influencer.in

2- fromote.com


Both of these sites will ask you to register first either as an influencer or as an advertiser. You have to register yourself as an Influencer and then complete the process.

Then , there starts your journey to earn the money. However, this all depends upon what are the needs of the clients and in what way you are fulfilling them.

If you have any problem in working on them anywhere in the process , you can contact me here or on my Facebook account.

And please do mention here in the comments about the reviews of these platforms.

Who is better -Friends Vs Girlfriend/Boyfriend ?

So , there is no long story , no big cheats nothing. Just one straight question for all of you.


Who is better :    FRIENDS or Girlfriend/Boyfriend ?


So all of you guys and girls , I am waiting for your lovely answers …. Spit them out .. 🙂