How to find Inspiration in Life from around you ?


Wow . A very HEAVY WORD to handle. 1

Seriously, we meet a number of people in life who say “we need to be inspired to live happily and successfully”.But one thing, they don’t tell is “HOW TO GET & STAY INSPIRED”.Well it sounds a bit tough thing to do but actually it isn’t.

INSPIRATION  basically means a feeling of being mentally stimulated to do something.

1.pngSo, it is not too tough to actually be inspired to do something in life because you just need a reason that

WHY do you want to do this?

WHAT this achievement matters to you in life ?

By answering these 2 questions, I am sure you will get your inspiration.

Being inspired helps you to stay focused on your aim & dream. Also, it gives a direction to all your thoughts and acts. 

3 reasons -Why to not eat heavy diet at night ?

Well almost everyone of us is habitual to the habit of eating late night then going to sleep after a few hours, may be 1 or 2. This happens , i know but what i was shocked to know is that why we should not eat heavy diet at night. here i will give you the 5 best reasons to avoid it. here we go :image_0.jpg

  1. It can cause ACID RE-FLUX : Have you ever suffered from unexplained post-nasal drip, cough, and difficulty in swallowing? . These could be signs of acid re-flux can occur without the telltale signs of heartburn and indigestion.Eating late at night, especially if you overeat and/or eat heavy foods, and then lying down shortly after, is a recipe for acid re-flux.
  2. Weight Gain : Eating at night has long been associated with weight gain. Years ago, nutrition pioneer Adele Davis gave her well-known advice to “eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.” I fear from this side effect.158757774_XS.jpg
  3. Disrupt Sleep patterns : Eating at night will disrupt the whole body cycle and will make you sleepy at unusual day times , thus leading to poor recovery and regeneration.


So i hope you guys from now will try to eat food at least 2-3 hours before the sleep and that too in less amount as it increases your health and at the end, Health is Wealth.